Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Atleast one please! :D

Names, once they are in common use, quickly become mere sounds, their etymology being buried, like so many of the earth's marvels, beneath the dust of habit.
I wont say i am good at giving nicknames. But almost all the names given by me have somehow become super-hits. Right from Mr. Kurang, which broke all the usage records, to the latest blockbuster Miss. Queen :P.... This very fact makes some people ask me to name their babies :D...
Hmmm.. now coming to the sad part. Although i have donated a lot of nick-names to this world, there is'nt any name which people would be happy calling me all the time and which is not in anyway related to my proper name.
So here i am to offer you a wonderful reward for coming up with something innovative to name your friend which he also would be happy calling by and the reward is nothing but the privilege of being informed first about his next blog personally :P

P.S.- This blog is the creation of an idle mind and the author doesnt expect many replies :D.. But will be happy to receive them anyway :P